We have had so many changes on the farm this year and many new babies. We are happy to announce 5 new babies to the farm this year and at least one more to come. Many changes and improvements to the areas. Will be posting new pictures soon of everything we have added over the past few months.
Homestead chickens and livestock
Room to breath

Sunday, May 7, 2017
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
New addition
We have been waiting for weeks for our pygmy to finally give birth. We had a day marked on the calender but that was almost a month ago.
She has been showing all the signs for over three weeks now and I have been pulling my hair out in anticipation. Goats are not like my chickens, I can't candle the belly to see how far along she is. It's a sit and wait if you don't know he got her the first time.
She had dropped her udders about 3 weeks ago and I was convinced she was about to kid. But day after day nothing. Then yesterday.... her udders doubled in size but she wasn't leaking or showing signs of labor so I left her be. I checked on her one more time before we called it a night and nothing. This morning I went out for chores and her him. She had the cuties floppy earned baby boy!! All dry and clean so she must have had him in the middle of the night. She was big and did think she had two in there especially since he is so small buy mommy seems to be doing great!!
More updates coming soon!!!
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Just like with Murphys law when you plan something it does not always happen the way you want it to... or so I have learned. We had hoped to have the new coop up soon but with things being so busy and funds not always able to be there sometimes we have to wait. So I had to come up with a temporary solution for about 30+ birds who were running out of room very quickly in the broader boxes. So yesterday I rolled up my sleeves and built a small shelter outside my coop for them. Now one good thing is the fact that it is summer so it is warm enough for them. My only concern is the rain , they do have some protection but depending on how they are in a few days I will either add sides, keep it the same, or male just a few minor fixes. But over all I am happy with it, for younger birds at least. More projects and pictures to come!!
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Goat barn extention
So on the farm we have our two does that are now due any day. We had plans to put up a new separate in closure for the girls but with the weather and one thing after another we were delayed. Luckily I was able to get the help from my fiance and we are on our way to making the new section and I am in hopes it won't take to long but at least with the basic frame up we are on a good start. I will be sure to post more pictures when we are done. I am in hopes the girls pen will be about a 8x14 and there pasture of corse but what idea I have in my head and the end product are usually close but different in some way so we will see what happens!!